At Seoulista Beauty, we prioritise your satisfaction. If your products arrive damaged or if the items do not match your order, we are happy to offer you a full refund or a replacement within 30 days of receipt.
To initiate a return or exchange for damaged or incorrect items, please send us an email with images of the damage or the incorrect items. Our dedicated customer care team will review your case and assist you in arranging for a refund or replacement.
If you simply change your mind about a product and wish to return it for a refund or exchange, you can also do so within 30 days. To begin this process, please contact us at Once you have reached out, please return the goods along with the original packing slip. Ensure that the items are in pristine condition and unopened to qualify for a full refund or exchange.
We recommend using a traceable shipping service to return your items, as we cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item. Please note that once we receive the returned items, we will process your refund or exchange as swiftly as possible.
Thank you for choosing Seoulista Beauty. Your trust and satisfaction are our top priorities.