A spotlight on our founder

Talk us through the story of Seoulista Beauty and the need for powerful, multi-purpose products.

I started the Seoulista Beauty brand to create a range of treatments that could replicate the high-performance treatments delivered in a professional environment. In my REVIVE MEDICO Clinic, we would use hyperbaric pressure to create a compression system on the skin. This cold pressure system inspired me to create a 1-Step Facial, so the Seoulista Instant Facial concept was born to cool, infuse, and correct the skin in just 20 minutes. 
What does global wellness day mean to you? 

The concept of how wellness and the way we look after ourselves is greatly influenced by our culture and our history. Increasingly I have witnessed the enormous influence the Eastern world has on the West. We see this in the increased popularity of meditation, the participation in Yoga and Ayurvedic rituals. Respecting and participating in these global behaviours is fundamental as we can learn a lot from other cultures and old traditions. Learning from other nations and bringing that knowledge into our lives is what I see as Global wellness. 
As a brand founder, how do you still make time for self-care?

My interest in alternative therapies and other cultures inspired me to start my wellness business in 2003. I was driven to create quality treatments that were competitively priced. This is now at the core of Seoulista Beauty. Every day I use the Calm app to meditate, it has truly been a rock for me. I use the Seoulista Brightening Instant Facial® weekly and our Seoulista Peppermint Toes® as I suffer from hot feet in the summer and when I travel. In the morning and evening, I use the Seoulista Super Serums®. I walk my dog Jasper twice a day, which helps my mental state, as my role can be busy and quite stressful. Like many women in menopause, anxiety can creep up on you and I find passiflora a natural supplement incredibly helpful.


What are some skincare rituals you cannot do without?

 I truly believe I created the Seoulista Instant Facial® for myself. I have a Celtic complexion and I like it to be radiant, rather than matte and tired-looking. Moreover, I love to wear makeup but am a bit lazy in my cleansing, so I think I created the Seoulista Magic Cleanse® for myself too! I suffer from dark puffy circles in the eye area therefore I cannot live without the Seoulista Cryo Cool® Skin Tool.

 How can we indulge in self-care yet not overwhelm our skin microbiome? 

 I love walking and my skin can become quite weather-beaten if not protected. In winter, I use the Seoulista Wonderberry Skin Defence Instant Facial® to strengthen my skin barrier. Moreover, I use the Seoulista Super Hydration Instant Facial® during the day and the Seoulista Brightening Super Serum® at night which helps to keep my skin healthy and hydrated. 

How does Seoulista Beauty support the skin microbiome?

 Our products have been designed with skin type and lifestyle in mind and are all enriched with ingredients to help support a healthy skin barrier, which ultimately protects everything underneath. However, we know the skin microbiome is unique to the individual, which is why partnering with the Skin Trust Club is such a privilege for us in helping our customer base with better analysis of the right products for their skin needs.
What is your go-to skincare tip you share with everyone?

Apply serums to damp skin. The serums go further and tend to absorb better. And always remember to cleanse your face in the morning before applying your skincare.

 How have you noticed changes to your own skin during the years? 

 I've noticed that my skin has become much drier than it used to be and I often need to use a lot more brightening products to combat dullness. That's why I love the Seoulista Brightening Super Serum® because it's both hydrating and helps to even and smooth my skin tone and texture.


 Why are innovation and tech so important in skincare? 

 The industry is adapting rapidly and as technology becomes smarter, it has the advantage of being able to deeply analyse the skin beyond what we see ourselves on the surface. It was only a matter of time before technologies that were reserved for the medical industry or only available in a dermatologist’s office begin trickling into the mass skincare market. This is being witnessed already. Let’s look at biocellulose as a case in point. It was never meant for the skincare industry and yet yields such incredible results because of its skin healing benefits for burns. 

Beyond skin analysis, the metaverse and being able to virtually 'try before you buy', even with skincare, is fast-forwarding a number of beauty brands and has required them to think and act differently to be able to stay ahead.

 What's your ultimate routine for a self-care day/evening? 

 I tend to do my self-care routine before going out.. rather than staying in… I normally get my hair professionally blow-dried once a week, therefore you will often see me with my Seoulista Blondi Locks® Hair Mask treatment on whilst doing my errands on the way. I like to apply a Seoulista Gold Glow Instant Facial® as it means I need less makeup and my skin looks radiant. I normally pop on a Seoulista Rosy Toes® Instant Pedicure during my makeup application and before adding a touch of body makeup to my legs. I have noticed that my pigmentation is getting much worse on my hands, therefore if I’m staying in I will use the Seoulista Rosy Hands® Instant Manicure hand treatment midweek.



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